Sunday, 28 June 2009

Links to 5 best production in other class:

- Good effects, goes with music and good information.

- Good information, No good effects but the information is really good.

- Good effects and information. Has best of both worlds, entertaining aswell.

Liked the soundtrack, short so didn't waste time etc.

Condense information, very short and you find out alot from it.

Self Evaluation


Most people have me 3s; three people gave me 4s and one person gave me a 2. Therefor the average was 3, it was fully realised but not successful.


I had five 4s and the rest were 3s. So on average people gave me a 3; which was competent.


I had three 4s on the rest were 3s, so my feedback on technology was competent


For Understanding I had most were at Level 4 with the rest at Level 3. This shows that most people thought I had good understanding.

Production Values:

For production value almost everyone gave me a level 3 which was Competent.

WWW (people's feedback):

Covered Main Points
Good soundtrack
Answered Questions
Good knowledge
Clear Message

EBI (people's feedback):

More Upbeat music
Use more images
More creative
Focus on particular issue
Talk about what's good about it some more.

Sunday, 14 June 2009